The Jean-Claude Vrinat Scholarship

The main mission of the Jean-Claude Vrinat association is to provide a concrete and material help to young students in Hospitality institutes through scholarships.

Every year, several schools are selected and asked to identify promising students deserving of financial help to achieve their professional career goals.

In the 2023-2024 school year, 3rd édition, the Association awarded the scholarship to 9 students.

Young people from the schools CFA Médéric, EPMT and Guillaume Tirel in Paris as well as Saint-Martin in Amiens (80) and Le Corbusier in Soissons (02) who have been selected and will receive material assistance for personal projects (financial contribution for studies, foreign language courses, eloquence courses, preparation for the 2024 Worldskills World Championship…).

An official award scholarship ceremony was organised at the Senate in Paris with Mrs Catherine Dumas, Senator of Paris.

2022-2023 Scholarship holders




2021-2022 Scholarship holders



